Friday, August 15, 2008

Holy Stretch Marks Batman! (fitness update#5)

I've completed week 3 of the 100 Push-up Challenge!

I decided to make the bicep curls match up with the reps and sets of whatever week of push-ups I'm doing. I'm noticing a size increase in each arm. Now I wished I took some 'before' pictures or took some measurements to see how much everything is improving. Oh, well... I can SEE the results and I'm very pleased with myself.

I was flexing in the mirror (ooph, how vain I am!) and I noticed stretch marks on each biceps. Hold\y crap! I've heard of that happening but I never realised it would happen to myself... Two on the right one and one on the left one, each one about an inch long. Crazy...

Also, I figured out a slightly better position to stop the clicking that I was hearing in my right shoulder on the upward press... but I'm gonna have to keep my eye on it because now my left wrist is a bit sore.

Hooray for progress!

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