Monday, December 1, 2008

General Improvement Trends in Life

-Eat better (more home-cooked meals)
-Sleep more (at least 7 hours a night)
-Work out more (every other day)
-Write more (update blogs daily, write more poetry)
-Keep going to school (at least 1 class per semester or session)
-Keep a positive attitude and story-telling style
-Play video games rarely (less than once a week, as a reward for completing more than minor goals
-Keep computer usage to school/work/email
-Only drink with friends
-No more watching of porn (it's a little wierd when you see someone you know appear in one)
-Hang out with friends more

Addendum 12/04/08
-Minimise bragging (let my actions speak for me)
-Don't worry so much (have some fun!)

There... Do you think I'll have the time for it all?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Who do you know that's in porn??